“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Equality of Women


Yeshua introduces Miriam to the fishermen, Cephas and Amram and Ya’akov and Yohhanan, but the fishermen feel awkward in the company of Miriam, a woman, as it was not common practice for the women to be socially interactive with the men at that time. Yeshua talks about the Communities of Light and explains the importance of the women being equal to men. He then asks Cephas, Amram, Ya’akov, and Yohhanan if they would follow him, but only after pondering upon it for a month, to see if they feel it in their souls.

1 Arising just as the first light cracked the horizon, Yeshua and Miriam had a small meal of fruit and then faced the rising Sun together and did the Contemplative Movements, bridging the heavens and the Earth.
2 Immediately afterward, making haste, they walked quickly to Tiberius on the road along the lake and boarded a ferry just before it departed for Bethsaida.
3 After arriving at Bethsaida and sharing a small meal of greens and tubers, which they had brought with them, they walked around the town, observing the people while Yeshua continued to elaborate upon some of the things that he had taught her the previous days and nights.
4 Toward late afternoon, the fishing boats began to come into port, and they went down to the shore of the river where the fishing boats landed to wait for the men Yeshua wished to see.
5 Before many minutes had passed, they spied three boats coming toward the shore together and caught the loud voice of Cephas, even from a distance, coming from the lead boat.
6 Two of the boats carried five fishermen, and the third had six. Among the men were all of those whom Yeshua sought. As Cephas and Amram stepped onto the shore, he and Miriam were there to greet them.
7 Cephas looked up in astonishment when he realized it was Yeshua standing before him and exclaimed, “Is it truly you?”
8 Yeshua stepped forward and gave Cephas a big hug, saying, “I told you I would return when it was time to catch the fish of ages. The time draws nigh.”
9 Cephas returned a startled look, obviously shaken by that unexpected statement and then ignored it in his response, saying, “I had heard you were in Egypt.”
10 “We were,” Yeshua answered, “for many moons.”
11 Then the others disembarked from the boats, and Yeshua greeted Amram, Ya’akov, and Yohhanan. He was introduced to the other men of the crews as the great teacher from Nazareth they had heard them speak of.
12 Yeshua introduced Miriam, his wife, to Cephas and the others, and there was immediately some disquiet among the men to have a woman among them, although they were all polite in greeting her.
13 Yeshua and Miriam stood watching while the fishermen unloaded their small catch and secured their boats.
14 Then Yeshua and Miriam and three of the four whom he knew proceeded to the house of Cephas, while Yohhanan went and gathered his wife and children and the wives and children of Ya’akov and brought them to the house of Cephas for a communal meal.
15 The men all sat in the courtyard, and Miriam sat with them. There was an awkward silence, for Yeshua did not speak and the men did not know what to make of Miriam sitting among them.
16 Then Cephas said, “My mother and wife and the wives of my brother and friends are even now preparing the evening meal. Your wife can go through that door to help them.”
17 And Yeshua said unto them, “You are right, Miriam should be helping to prepare the meal, but it must needs be that she is also present to hear the words we speak. Therefore, we will both go to help with the food, so she will not miss any of the important things we shall say to one another.”
18 With that, Yeshua and Miriam stood up and entered the house, leaving the men to stare at one another in abject confusion.
19 Amram looked perplexed and commented to his friends, “I do not understand why Yeshua is acting so strangely. He would have his wife sit in council with us, and he goes to help the women with their work? Perhaps, he has had an accident and is not right in the head.”
20 “That could be an explanation,” Cephas agreed.
21 “Unless he is possessed of a devil,” Yohhanan conjectured.
22 “He cannot be possessed of a devil,” Cephas replied.
23 “And why not?” Ya’akov inquired; “I have known several men possessed of devils, and they do such crazy things.”
24 “None of you have spoken with Yeshua as many times as I have,” Cephas answered. “He is not like other men, and it is not because he is crazy or possessed of a devil. In truth, he is the most pure, good person I have ever known.
25 Let us not be hasty in our judgment. Although it is a hard thing to have a woman sitting with us, this is probably a way he is teaching us something which has nothing to do with having a woman in our council.
26 Therefore, let us bide our peace and we will learn our lesson. Have faith in Yeshua. I know he will not deceive us or do anything that is not pleasing to God.”
27 The women soon brought out the meal, which consisted of sardines and bread with fresh greens from the surrounding hills, and sat it in wooden bowls upon the table.
28 The men gathered to one end of the table and the women to the other. But Miriam came to sit at the right hand of Yeshua, and Yeshua asked for Cephas to sit upon his left.
29 Cephas was affronted to be asked to sit on the left while Miriam sat on the right instead of with the women and said quietly to Yeshua, “I want to understand your actions, Yeshua, but you are bringing insult upon me in my own house, in front of my family and friends.
30 Not only is your wife again among the men instead of the women, but you give her the place of honor at your right hand and ask me to sit on your left, an action which I cannot comprehend even in my most forgiving and tolerant mind.”
31 Yeshua reached out and put his hand on the shoulder of Cephas, saying, “Have patience, my friend. I have serious things to say to you, concerning this after the meal and all will be revealed.
32 Know now that there is an important reason that Miriam sits where she does, by my right side, even among the men. Trust me, Cephas. When have I ever given you anything but truth and light?”
33 Cephas nodded his head and sat down to Yeshua’s left, saying, “You are truth and light, Yeshua. Therefore, though I am still disturbed and confused, I will do as you ask and wait for your explanation after the meal.”
34 During the meal, Yohhanan asked Yeshua to tell them of some of their adventures in Egypt. And Yeshua obliged him and told of their travels in the caravans and their time with the Nubians and the meetings with the priests of the temple.
35 And he explained the foundations of the Path of Three even as he had to the priests.
36 But of his miracles, he said nothing, for he wanted them to gain a testimony of the Celestine Light with their own eyes and heart.
37 Following the meal, the wife of Cephas beckoned for Miriam to come with the women, but she demurred, and the wife of Cephas gave her a stern and quizzical look and did not understand.
38 Then it was that all of the men and Miriam sat down with Yeshua, and he said unto them, “I know all of you have wondered why it is that Miriam is always with me, even when I sit in council with men. You are not alone in your thoughts, for this has troubled many men from Palestine to Egypt.
39 The laws and traditions of many pious cultures teach that women must be obedient to the commands of their husbands and serve their husbands as they wish.
40 While the men can walk about freely uncovered with the sunshine and fresh air upon their face, women are commanded to remain covered from head to toe, to not be a temptation to the thoughts of men.
41 Even among the Greeks, who many find ungodly in their morals, women, though more exposed in their dress, are still relegated to stand behind and support the men; neither are their thoughts or desires given much consideration in matters of importance.
42 Now here sits Miriam with us, not just to listen but also to give her thoughts. And I will tell you that I value her opinions. Tell me now, my friends, in honesty and openness, what do you think of this?”
43 “I think it is unnatural,” answered Amram.
44 “Who will prepare the meals if the women sit with the men?” interjected Yohhanan.
45 Ya’akov was irate and said, “Not only is your wife sitting with us, but she is also uncovered, which as you have said is not in keeping with our laws and traditions.
46 How can men be expected to think clearly if the naked face of a comely woman is sitting right next to them?”
47 Cephas also remained opposed to the presence of Miriam, saying, “What can a woman know that is worth hearing on matters of great importance? Unless she has always been in the presence of men, then the things men speak of will be unknown and incomprehensible to her.
48 And I still wait with patience for an explanation as to why she was given the place at your right hand at the meal that my embarrassment among my friends and family might be abated”
49 Yeshua smiled and was preparing to speak, but Ya’akov still had more to say, adding, “There are many good reasons that women do not associate with men, not just reasons of law, but also of a practical nature.
50 It is indisputable that the principal purpose of women is to bear and care for children, for this is how their bodies have been created, while the bodies of men are not so, but have been created by Elohim to be bigger and stronger, more suited for war and hunting and fishing.
51 The next most important thing is for women to give pleasure to their husbands. Again, they have been uniquely designed for this purpose. I do not have to say more, for we are all married men here.
52 Lastly, women are given to care for their children and the garden and the house they live in, which also includes seeing to the comforts and needs of their husbands who provide all they have by the sweat of their efforts and skill of their abilities.
53 Even as the men are bigger, the women are smaller in stature, so it is easier for them to stoop down to the ground to take care of children and gardens.
54 As they bear the children and are incapable of the strenuous work of men, their duties are logical and reasonable.
55 After all these things, even if it was permitted, they would have no time left in the day to sit in councils with men, and as Cephas has said, even if it were allowed, their minds are not like those of men and the things they would speak of would not be interesting or edifying.”
56 Acknowledging the men with a nod of his head, Yeshua said unto them, “Thank you for your honest opinions. I have begun in earnest to fulfill my purpose in life, which is to give the Celestine Light of Elohim that has been hidden, that the Children of Light, both the men and women, may become more than they have been.
57 I am not long for this Earth, and there must be others who will carry the lamps of the light that I bring. Many years, I have pondered who these torchbearers should be, and I know that each of you should be among them.
58 But I also know that you are steeped in the laws and traditions of this people. You live in a small house and are in darkness to the world beyond your doorstep.
59 The light that I bring shall be given first to the people of this land, whose fathers found favor with Elohim long ago.
60 But I will need torchbearers who will endure until the end. It will only be to a few of the people of this land that the light will illuminate, for their hearts are hardened, thinking they already have all the light they need. In truth, they have only a candle, when they could have the Sun.
61 But there are many lands beyond this small house, and those who would follow me must push open the door and be willing to go forth into the chaos and confusion, into the strangeness and the vastness of all the world, that all who would seek it may find the Celestine Light.”
62 “And what of our families?” asked Yohhanan. “Who will care for and protect them if we travel abroad?”
63 Yeshua looked into the distance as if he were seeing a vision, “Those who follow me shall gather their families into Communities of Light here upon the lake, where everyone will be as one family.
64 When a father is away for a time, his brothers in spirit will attend to the needs of his children and the provision of his family, and his sisters in spirit to the comfort of his wives.
65 And more than this, for days of great calamity are coming, and for the people of this land, there shall not be left one stone upon another that is not overturned.
66 Those who stand as lone men defending their home shall perish by the sword, their house laid to ruins, and their wives and children taken into slavery.
67 Nor is there deliverance in armed opposition, for the boot of the Romans shall crush the insects of Palestine under their feet.
68 But the unity of the Community of Light will make great the numbers that are small. With prayer and planning, they shall not be parted, nor taste the bitterness of slavery or death before their time. And Elohim shall send an angel, even the Angel of the Covenant, to watch over them and protect them.
69 Verily, your wives and your children, and the children of your children, shall be more protected and provided for when you serve the Celestine Light of Elohim than if you do not.”
70 “You make us seem like important men,” Cephas said. “But we are only poor fishermen and know little of the law or the ways of Elohim. Who would listen to anything we have to say?”
71 Yeshua gave a most engaging smile and, with a small laugh, said unto them, “If I sent you to argue the law with the scribes and Pharisees, you would be like babes before wolves, for they have learned the law from early days and would chew you up and spit you out.
72 But I have not come to uphold the law, but to destroy it. I bring a greater light, and those who follow me will know this light more than all others, and none shall be able to stand before them when they speak the truth that I shall give.”
73 And Yohhanan inquired again, “But how shall we care for our families if we are going all over the land with you? You speak of a Community of Light, but such a thing does not exist at this moment. We live in a community now, but if I abandon my family, I cannot expect my friends to take care of them forever.
74 Your words stir my heart, but I cannot see the practicality of following my heart.”
75 “The world was not created in a single day,” answered Yeshua. “I will still be with you for many moons and seasons upon seasons, and we will make this area of Galilee our home.
76 We shall bring our children from Nazareth to live with us here and begin to build the Community of Light at this most favored spot on the north end of the lake near the river Jordan.
77 While I am with you, our travels need only be limited, mostly in Galilee, for seekers of the Celestine Light will travel from Jerusalem and beyond to find us here.
78 During this time, we will gather the faithful to us as a hen gathers her chicks, and the Community of Light shall wax strong and multiply.
79 When the time comes that my disciples must go forth into the world, their families will be one with the greater Family of Light, more secure and provided for than they ever were before.”
80 “Are you asking us to follow you now?” asked Ya’akov.
81 “Not today,” answered Yeshua, “I want you to consider well the things we have spoken about and the things we have yet to speak about. But very soon, I will ask.”
82 Amram raised his hand to be noticed, “This began as a conversation about women, but we are still ignorant on that accord.”
83 “Completely,” Miriam agreed.
84 Yeshua quickly spoke again before any of the men could react to Miriam, saying, “No matter how great a man becomes, it is less than he could be with a woman standing beside him in equality, not servitude; giving him wise counsel through her eyes, not being ignored.
85 Verily, the husband who serves his wife with love and respect will be richer by far in the treasures of Heaven than the man who asks his wife to serve and obey him.
86 When respect and service are given with love, they are reciprocated and multiplied, a sure foundation upon which you can always depend.
87 But when respect or service are given out of fear, they are empty and will vanish as an illusion in time of greatest need.
88 Verily, I say unto you: A cornerstone of my tower of light is the equality of the man and the woman in matters of spirit and mind and heart. Only in physical strength is it given to man to be greater than woman, and that, only so he can protect and provide for those that he loves.
89 None may follow me who cannot bear the brightness of this light.
90 And I declare unto you with words of soberness that none who follow me will be greater than Miriam, for unto her is given to know a fullness of the Celestine Light that no other can ever know so full, for she has been with me almost every moment for many years, and all that I have, I have given to her.
91 If I am not present and you wish to know my words or wish to have a clarity of my teachings, it is to Miriam that you must look, for none will ever know me more than she does.”
92 Then Cephas said unto him, “Now I understand why Miriam sits at your right hand. Nevertheless, this is a very hard doctrine you teach, and I think you will not find many people who will follow you.”
93 Yeshua nodded his head in agreement, “You are correct, Cephas. Many will be called, but very few will be chosen. Now, you are all good men, brothers of my spirit, and I would that you would be kindred of my heart and numbered among the chosen elect of Elohim.
94 What I have said today is only the beginning of the greater Celestine Light I bring. Therefore, consider well if you can abide this light, before you ask for more.
95 Rome may shake the pillars of Jerusalem and tread the armies of their enemies beneath their feet, but my words shall shake the pillars of the world and the gates of Rome shall fall before me.
96 I bid you to sleep now upon that which has been said. In the morning, speak not of this one to another, but go to the lake and fish as you would always do, pondering upon my words in your heart and mind.
97 Continue thus, meditating with yourself, until the new moon comes; then speak about this again with one another.
98 Miriam and I leave in the morning and will be gone for two to four moons. When we return, I shall call your name.
99 When you hear my voice, see if you do not feel it in your soul.
100 On that day, let your heart and mind answer as one.”