“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Xeon, The Land of Pre-existence


Describes the creation and ancestry of mankind, including pre-Earth existence in Xeon. Recounts who created us and how creation was accomplished, not just for mankind, but for every living thing that has ever existed or will exist.

1 In the beginning before the Earth was, or the stars in the heavens above, there was the Father, and the Mother, and the Son abiding in everlasting majesty beyond the horizon of infinity.
2 They are the Elohim: the one God of all that is, three divine and perfected personages, separate in body and spirit, but united as one in purpose, knowledge, vision, power, and faith. They are Elohim: the One.
3 By the joint desire of the Father and the Mother and the agreement of the Son, the spirits and eternal essence of all things that live in a physical form, that have ever lived, and that will ever live, were first created and existed in a spiritual state.
4 Nor has the spiritual essence of any living thing ever come into physical existence with the breath of life, except by their divine intention embraced by their endless love and faith.
5 And it came to pass that in the beginning by the union of love of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, all the spirits of men and women were created; in the likeness of their celestial parents they were created, every one.
6 Into their spirit was placed an eternal soul, a sliver of the very essence of the Father and the Mother, to never know death and to always speak in a still, small voice calling upon their spirit to manifest in their lives the greatness they could become as true sons and daughters of God.
7 Know then that all living things have spirits and existed spiritually before they existed physically. But only the children of men and women have been blessed with eternal souls, a piece of Elohim, a light inside that ever beckons them to a higher path of virtue and righteousness.
8 The souls of men and women are as innumerable as the sands of the seas; each and every one is gloriously unique, with special gifts and blessings given unto them by their Heavenly Father and Mother that they might manifest the majesty of their celestial heritage and fulfill the full measure of their divine creation.
9 In the realm called Koropean, in the land of Xeon, abide all things spiritual before they pass into the physical.
10 Nothing that lives, that has lived, or that will ever live throughout the worlds of the heavens exists physically except it is first created spiritually and dwells in the land of Xeon, in the realm of the Koropean.
11 And it came to pass that each of the Elohim came often to visit the spirits in Xeon, to teach them many things so they could grow and expand, and to embrace their souls with their boundless love that love would ever be their guiding light.
12 And it came to pass that the spirits of men and women lived in Xeon in joy and happiness, even for a great time beyond time.
13 They began as children and grew into men and women of spirit, detailed in form and substance, each with a unique personality, cherished hopes and dreams, grand opportunities to learn and grow, and soaring joy from knowledge gained, and cultivation of eternal relationships with other spirits, bonded through shared experiences beyond time and space.
14 And it came to pass that many of the spirit children of the Father and the Mother expanded their knowledge and progressed from their varied experiences and relationships to the limit of their possibilities as beings of spiritual substance and form.