The Creation of the World
and the Beginning and Early History of Man
Genesis, The First Book of Celestine Light, is a heretofore unknown sacred text telling the early story of mankind. But it is history far predating any you have most likely ever previously read. It contains 11 chronological chapters and begins with an unusual description of the creation of the world and continues with detailed stories of the early history of man containing many surprises from the traditional accounts.
It is heartening to discover that the dynamic teachings from ancient times still have relevance in the lives of people today, especially in Chapter 11, as it explains who you are, why you are here on earth, where you’ve been and where you are going.
Genesis also reveals a very different story of the Garden of Eden, (with 12 brothers and twelve sisters initially, not just Adam and Eve), as well as Noah and the Ark (not a wooden Ark, but something much grander and technologically advanced), the origin of giants, and the astonishing story of the translated City of Enoch that rose into the heavens without any of the people ever tasting death.
Of special interest in Genesis is the detailed chronicle of the significant role that advanced alien cultures played in the early history of the Earth, as well as vivid descriptions of the ancient fabled city the world knows as Atlantis, which includes not only the details of its birth and destruction, but also its location!
Chapter 2: The Creation of the Worlds
Chapter 3: Garden of Eden
Chapter 4: Fate of the Edenites
Chapter 5: The City of Enoch
Chapter 6: The Coming of the Ark
Chapter 7: The Great Flood
Chapter 8: The Descent into Darkness
Chapter 9: The Lands That Time Forgot
Chapter 10: The Seed Bearers
Chapter 11: The Destiny of Man