Contemplative Movements
Welcome to Light
1. Begin in the Prayer Position: Stand comfortably, preferably with bare feet upon the bare earth (standing upon sand or a mountain top is actually the most powerful, but is not necessary to have a powerful experience), facing the rising sun with your palms together, fingers pointing up, hands positioned against your chest, near your heart; close your eyes and slightly bow your head.
2. Take a deep comfortable breath through your nose and push it out slowly and deeply and thoroughly through your mouth. Throughout the Contemplative Meditations breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, as deeply as you can in comfort, and as often as you need.
3. Upon the next breaths, contemplate the Father that is God, picture him in your mind, and feel the good and responsible energy of the male that is within you.
4. Upon the next breaths, contemplate the Mother that is God, picture her in your mind, and feel the good and nurturing energy of the female that is within you.
5. Upon the next breaths, contemplate the Son that is God, picture Yeshua in your mind, and feel the good and playful energy of the child that is within you.
6. As you continue to thus breathe, consider how Elohim has made the Heavens and the Earth, and you, and all the people of the world upon it. Let your spirit feel the connection of the creator running through you, and through the Earth, and through the sun, and all the Heavens. Reach out with your spirit and feel the spirits of the people beside you.
7. Continuing to breathe comfortably and deeply, raise your head to a level position and lift your hands in unison until your arms are outstretched above your head, with your open palms facing the rising sun, with your fingers wide open, and your thumbs and forefingers touching, forming the equilateral Triangle of the Trinity of God.
8. While in the same contemplation and expansion of your spirit, exhale slowly and deeply. Then with your arms and fingers raised up and outstretched, and your open palms facing the sun, separate your hands and smoothly rotate your arms down in opposite directions until your arms are outstretched at your waist level, with your palms still facing the sun.
9. As your arms are descending open your eyes for a long blink and gaze upon the fiery orb of the sun.
10. With closed eyes and movements close to the body, return your hands to the prayer position. Repeat it two more times if you desire.
Bridge of Light
1. Speak aloud the Covenant of Light if your feel them to be true in your heart: I covenant to keep the temple of my body pure inside and out, and to faithfully live the light of Elohim; that I might always be a worthy vessel to be a bridge between Heaven and Earth.
2. Stand now relaxed, with your arms low at your sides, your open palms facing the sun, and have your feet spread in a comfortable way, about the distance of your shoulders.
3. Take a deep breath and slowly raise your arms to shoulder height, fully extended to each side, with palms facing the sun, and fingers spread apart. Hold this position as you slowly and thoroughly exhale.
4. As you take in another deep breath, bring your outstretched arms in front of you until your extended fingers are again in the Trinity Triangle, with palms facing the sun, and the sun framed within the triangle. Then exhale a slow, thorough and gentle breath.
5. Hold that position and look through slightly parted eyelids at the sun. Breathe several calm and normal breaths through your nose and expand the boundaries of your spirit through the Earth and connect with all living things; feel the wetness of the oceans and lakes and the coolness of the forests; smell the salt in the air by the sea and the sweet smell of wildflowers, feel the cold of the snow upon the mountain tops and the sand moving between your toes on a warm beach; hear children laughing and the music of creeks flowing over the rocks; connect your spirit to the Earth and all that is upon it. Be one with the Earth and all life that is upon it.
6. All Light comes from God. Picture standing within the fiery orb of the sun, the Elohim – the Father, the Mother, and the Son, and feel their Light as it spirals within the Trinity Triangle that you have formed, and feel it as it spirals up your arms and spins within your body, expanding you, filling you with Light, so much so that you are radiating Light from every pore of your body.
7. Now take a deep breath through your nose, and holding the Trinity Triangle thrust the triangle up toward the heavens and exhale.
8. Then take a big breathe and in your mind call upon all the life force of the heavens and all living things within in it to touch your hands and swirl within the Triangle of the Trinity; now draw the energy down through your body as you forcefully exhale and lower the triangle down toward the ground.
9. As the triangle descends from the apex (your heart area) to the ground, rotate the Trinity Triangle so it is now facing your body, bending over at the waist and with knees gently bent as far as necessary, to touch your hands or at least your finger tips, to the ground holding the Trinity Triangle.
10. Now push the energies of the heavens down into the very center of the Earth, enlivening all that is upon it.
11. Continuing to hold the Trinity Triangle take a deep breath and in your mind, call upon all the life force of the Earth, and all living things upon it, to touch your hands and swirl within the Triangle of the Trinity; now bring your hands up along your legs with palms facing your body, pulling your connections to all the life forces upon the earth up through your body.
12. Your greatest point of incoming breath is near the area of your heart. At this spot, rotate the Trinity Triangle forward so your palms are now facing the sun.
13. Now quickly push your hands upward while forcefully and fully exhaling, ending with your hands in the Trinity Triangle facing upwards toward the sky.
14. Now lower your arms in front of you until you are again looking at the sun framed within the triangle. Hold this position and breathe normal easy breaths. Send your spirit forth to Elohim bringing with it all of the spiritual connections you have made to all the life of the Earth, and ask Elohim to bless all the Earth with goodness and light.
15. Then, with words in your mind and feelings in your heart, ask Elohim to use you as a worthy vessel; feel the power of God swirling in your hands between the Triangle of the Trinity; coursing up through your arms and swirling through your body; filling your heart and expanding your mind, so much so that the light of Elohim is radiating from you.
16. Repeat this contemplative movement two more times if you desire, beginning at this position. As you move your hands back toward the Earth, with love and humility, send the power of Elohim whose spirit dwells within your heart, back through you and into the Earth and unto all living things upon it; that for a moment in time they might feel the exquisite joy of the light of Elohim.”
Wind of Love
1. Where before everyone moved in unison, during most of the Wind of Love you may each move as your spirit guides you, which may be different each time you do the contemplation because each persons spirit and the way it communes with others is unique to them and to that moment in time.
2. Remaining within the space where you are standing, close your eyes and stand comfortably with your arms held loosely at your side, with your palms facing the sun.
3. In silence and without touching anyone physically, you are going to touch everyone and everything spiritually.
4. Take all thoughts of worldly things from your mind, and breathing as you wish, begin to move any part of your body as little or as much as you desire, in ways that your spirit calls upon you to commune with the energy of all living things.
5. Reach out with your mind and your heart and send the noble essence of your spirit to touch the noble essence of the spirit of the person next to you, and send them unconditional love.
6. Now expand your spirit and send unconditional love to the person beyond them, and then beyond them, and then to all of the people in your town, and then in your land, and then in the lands beyond, then to all men and women and children upon the Earth, for they are your brothers and sisters, though they are unaware. Be thankful for the many good things they bring to your life.
7. Return again to a place of stillness with your arms down and your palms facing the sun, sending out your spirit of unconditional love and being open to receiving unconditional love from all who send it to you.
8. Consider all of the plants and trees and crops from which you get food, shelter, peace and solitude. Begin again your free form movements in silence and send love and thanksgiving to every plant and tree and crop that nourishes all upon the Earth, gives beauty to the eye, shelter from the storm, and warmth on nights of cold.
9. Return again to a place of stillness with your arms down and your palms facing the sun, sending out your spirit of unconditional love and being open to receiving unconditional love from all who send it to you.
10. Think of the domestic animals that are kept by man and known to you, being in or near your home. Quietly begin your movements, and send them your spirit of unconditional love and thanksgiving for the good things they bring to your life and the lives of those who are their stewards, they’re companionship and unconditional love; and then expand your spirit to include all the animals kept by man in this land, and then to all those in nearby lands, and then to all in the world.
11. Return again to a place of stillness with your arms down and your palms facing the sun, sending out your spirit of unconditional love and being open to receiving unconditional love from all who send it to you
12. Think of all of the wild animals that dwell upon the Earth. Quietly begin your movements, and send them your spirit of unconditional love and thanksgiving for the grace and beauty they bring to you, and balance to the Earth, and for the many lessons they teach. Expand your unconditional love to include all the wild animals beyond this land to all the lands of the Earth.
13. Return again to a place of stillness with your arms down and your palms facing the sun, sending out your spirit of unconditional love and being open to receiving unconditional love from all who send it to you.
14. Think of the vastness of the oceans and all the fishes in the seas, many of which give their lives to feed the people of the world. Quietly begin your free form movements and send your spirit of unconditional love to all the creatures of the seas. Swim with them in your mind and spirit and be one with them.
15. Return again to a place of stillness with your arms down and your palms facing the sun, sending out your spirit of unconditional love and being open to receiving unconditional love from all who send it to you.
16. Think of the birds in the sky. Quietly begin your movements, and send them your spirit of unconditional love and thanksgiving for grace and beauty they bring you. Fly with them in your mind and with feel your spirit soaring above the land with the wind beneath your wings. See the world from above through their eyes, and feel the freedom of your spirit as you move through the air.
17. Return again to a place of stillness with your arms down and your palms facing the sun, sending out your spirit of unconditional love and being open to receiving unconditional love from all who send it to you
18. Now stand as one, facing the sun with arms outstretched from your sides, and hands in the hands of those beside you. Breathe in and push out deeply for three breaths as you sense and feel unconditional love, and see in your mind, the essences of your souls united, radiating out from every part of your body and spreading out from the spot where you stand, expanding to include the town, and the lands beyond, and continue to expand until you’ve included the whole the world, imbuing it with the marvelous light of love.
19. After three breaths, return to the Prayer Position, take one more deep breath and push it out, then open your eyes and turn to the people around you and greet them with Namaste.